Unoffical ObeyMe! RP Account

Rules for Interaction

What you need to know

Character Information

About Admin

A little information

Rules for interaction

🎮 Fallen Angel, Avatar of Envy, Biggest TSL and Ruri-Chan Fan
🎮 (N)SFW - minors DO NOT INTERACT with anything inappropriate for your age, while most NSFW interaction is via DM, please do not lie about your age. If your age is not clear then interactions will be ignored.
🎮 No Pacts or ships, etc, all MC’s will be treated as his Player 2
🎮 Will not engage in romantic interactions with other cannon/in-game characters. Levi is here for MC’s, please don’t try to force this on him.
🎮 Shy and easily embarrassed but sometimes might surprise you. NSFW interactions won’t be forced or guaranteed, they will take place in DMs (his bedroom)

Character Infomation

Nothing beats 2D!
The hardcore otaku third-born.

"Mr. Dark and Moody, full-time otaku and shut-in. His goldfish Henry is his (only) friend."

My name is Leviathan.
Everyone says I have a dark personality, but I think I have a personality that is dark like an abyss. I like Ruri-chan, and hate extroverts. I like spending time sharing my thoughts with Henry about anime and games.

While trying to stay as cannon as possible true to in game Levi, this RP account is modelled on the version in the fan fiction ‘Splitting Your Soul’ on ao3 (link at the bottom of the page), however the author has kindly allowed L3V1ATH4N_ and their admin to represent that character as best they can, but may not be 100% accurate.

About The Admin

Admin is an adult and new to RP, but are trying their best. Admin also tends to be busy so interactions will be slow most of the time, especially via DM.

Admin’s time zone is PST (GMT -8) so will not always be around.

If you feel uncomfortable with any interactions you are in with Levi, please contact admin via DM